In order to save money and for several other benefits, today many businesses are getting accessed to the coworking space. However, there are people who are still new to this concept. This article is a dedication for such people. Some of the most interesting facts they are supposed to know about this working space are revealed here.
One persona business
Many people tend to have a wrong assumption that the coworking spaces are only for the small and large business. But it is to be noted that this is suitable even for the one person businesses. To reveal the fact, after the invention of coworking space, the number of people getting engaged in one person business has increased enormously.
First coworking space
Even though this working space concept is more familiar now-a-days, the first coworking space was setup in the year 2005 and it was launched in San Francisco. later more number of reputed coworking space like The Work Project came into trend.
Large companies
Even though the large companies tend to have a vast and advanced working space, a recent survey has stated that more than 14% of employees in the large companies are making use of the shared working space. This happens when they are supposed to work from remote location and when employees are send abroad for their business work.
According to the survey, many people who accessed the virtual office singapore cbd has stated that this working space concept is more flexible than the other working environment.