A person with sleep apnea has a blockage in their throat, and sometimes stops breathing during the night. This causes the person to stop breathing for short periods of time, which results in disrupted sleep. Sleep apnea usually affects people who have huge airway openings, but not normal sized ones. The condition is more prevalent in men than women and can be fatal if it is left untreated.
The use of best cpap machines for health helps people suffering from sleep apnea receive better quality and more restful sleep without risk or interruption. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and is a device used to help people breathe through an airtight tube while sleeping on their back or side. The tube connects to a machine that pumps air into the user’s throat and forces their airway open. The air pumped is usually set at a low pressure and makes breathing easier.
Biofeedback is one of the alternative treatments to help treat sleep apnea symptoms. It involves using biofeedback equipment to determine what type of breathing occurs during sleep and to see if it is normal or has any indications of obstructions that are associated with sleep apnea symptoms. The equipment will monitor brain waves, muscle tension, heart rate, skin temperature and other vitals that may be relevant during sleep. By analyzing the results of the equipment and reviewing their overall results, people can see how they may need to make adjustments in their sleeping positions in order to prevent obstructions from occurring.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of treatment that helps people deal with negative thoughts associated with sleep apnea. CBT involves analyzing a person’s struggles with sleep apnea and removing any negative memories associated with it. The CBT practitioner will also ask the client questions about their lives, what family conflicts or major life events could have an impact on sleep apnea and which situations or activities are causing them to have blocked airways during the night.