For the work to be completed on time you have to assign the number of people that will requirecompleting the particular work on time. You can’t find such number of people for one particular work as most of the people won’t do work in combination with the other people as they don’t have any rapport with these people and they will have differences with their opinions and it will ultimately affect your work. But the scenario will be different if you take the same situation and if you approach the contractors those who arrange numbers to complete such type of works. As these people are working under the contractor so they have to obey the rules and regulations that were imposed by the contractor. The contractor will set these rules according to the requirements of the customer so that the customer would get satisfied as they all requirements are being made by these persons and other than this no other questions will be asked by the customer if you are able to satisfy the person with the requirements that the customer is looking for. The electrical contractors in Huntsville, AL will take up different types of contracts and they assign the persons to complete the contract it was being taken up by them. As the contractor is the main person those who conducted with customer the electricians won’t have any idea about the money that was being charged from the customers and it is not there duty to explain the customer about the details of the materials that they are using. If they have any doubt regarding the materials that they are used in them they have to consult the contractor who is the chief person that has taken this contract to complete. As the contractor is the person who picks up this and he is the person responsible for the quality of the work that has to be done which is the most important thing.
The contractor should have an eye on the work that is going on so that we can made changes according to our requirements