Want to maintain your vehicle? So do we. Buses and goods vehicles are under strain and a few, such as in Singapore, have a lifespan of 20 years. As a company owner, by preventing damage breakdowns or accidents you need to prolong the lifespan of your vehicles. Furthermore, you do not wish to postpone deliveries or lose staff-hours due to vehicles that are faulty or slow the traffic or pollute the environment. As you probably know, downtime of your automobile affects your operations and bottom line. It is not easy to discover a replacement vehicle. It is good business sense to maintain your vehicles so that you can avoid accidents, breakdowns and considerable 25, and take measures. Here are our best tips:
- Tyre Care
When you are at a stop, Perhaps you have moved the steering wheel? It is a tendency, especially with drivers, once the car is stationary, to steer the wheel. This happens when they are going to proceed in parking area or the traffic lights. This will mess up the alignment, although it might appear trivial. The tyres will need replacing because of wear and tear.
- Regular Preventive Maintenance
Maintaining a check on your engine oil, fuel, oil filter Transmission fluid, drain plug gasket and filter may appear to be a pain, but these measures are crucial for keeping your automobile. Stick to routine servicing. Business productivity is Important but having a breakdown will cause you delays.
- Switch from Low to High Gear
Your commercial vehicle coe is designed to last, but when the driver jumps Directly without using those in between, from a low to a high the gearbox will be damaged by it.
- Increase or Reduce Speed Steadily
Most drivers do not realize but quitting changing The system will be often damaged by speed or employing emergency brakes. The efficiency with time wills affect. Vehicles with automatic transmission are not spared.
- Do not Forget to Switch Lights OFF
We have all been there. You leave your vehicle in a hurry and Forget to switch the lights off. A jumpstart can help revive a battery but the lifespan of the battery could shorten.
- Switching Off Engine Immediately
Have you turned the motor off before switching off the aircon? A power cut enhance its durability and effectiveness and is detrimental to your system.